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Portfolio - Commercial Photography

For 30 plus years I have run my own photographic studio that specializes in the photography of fine art works for museums, galleries, collectors and individual artists. These custom-finished images have appeared in numerous books, brochures and announcements throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. 


Need your artwork professionally documented?

I am set-up to photograph artwork at Luigart Studios,

110 Luigart Street, Lexington

 by appointment.




In 2022 I documented all 160 plus Horse Mania

horses and foals in a studio setting

and  on the street







One of my larger projects was to photograph over 300 art objects from the permanent collection Speed Museum of Art in Louisville, Kentucky to be published in their  museum handbook.




It has been my pleasure to Photograph the artwork for the Sporting Art Auction held at Keeneland Race Track, Lexington, KY.   From traditional to contemporary the talent of the artwork assembled by Cross Gate Gallery continues to amaze.  

“Through  American Eyes , Two Centuries of American Art from the Huntington Museum of Art “is another publication that further illustrates my abilities to photograph all types of artwork... paintings large and small, bronzes, glass sculpture, in situ sculpture

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